Subject: Re: Final 2 hours From: (C. D. Tavares) Date: 1991-09-09, 12:16 Newsgroups: In article <>, writes: > > 3. the scene in which WE asks coop for his soul.....was strange. > > after he asks him then BOB appears and says he cant ask for it and then says > > i will take his soul...then we see a flame spurt from the top of his head. > > i think that WE was already possessed by BOB and when he did (WE) asked for > > it i think that coop's fate was sealed. the flame from the top of WE head > > might have been BOB leaving him ( and in the process killing him). right after > > that we saw coop doppelganger appear and chase after the good coop. when the > > doppelganger caught up to coop we immediately saw BOB flash up in front of the > > screen ( maybe signally that coop was then possessed ) We should be careful not to fall into the trap of assuming that everybody who does great evil is possessed by a powerful evil spirit. Lynch loves to show bizarre and outrageous evil, but he's not one to absolve evil humans of their own tendencies by claiming they are somehow victims. There are a LOT of evildoers in Twin Peaks (Leo, Jean, the early Ben, Hank) but BOB is not a factor for any of them. Similarly, Windom Earle went in search of great evil for his own ends, like the Dugpas before him. He is a contributor to the Black Lodge, not a victim of it. -- --If you believe that I speak for my company, OR write today for my special Investors' Packet...