Subject: More idle observations... From: DPMT@UQADM.CC.UQ.OZ.AU ("Matthew S Trevor ", No relation to Harry S Truman) Date: 1991-09-11, 06:36 Newsgroups: Once again more Australian speculations : 1 The idea that the Black and White lodge coexist is represented by the floor of the Lodge, the black and white zigzagged pattern... 2 I, too, would like to know why WE appeared with a white face and black teeth. 3 I'm dubious about the Major being a good guy. *Why* would a (as yet unidentified) spirit manifest itself through Mrs Palmer to tell him that "I'm in the Black Lodge with Dale Cooper." It sounds to me very much in the vein of "Everything is going as planned..." Or maybe I'm just paranoid. 4 Excuse the repost, but I didn't see my last posting around, and got very few replies to it, so I'm resending it after this...please be patient with me. Matthew S Trevor