Subject: Re: Eerie Song..... From: joe@zitt (Joe Zitt) Date: 1991-09-16, 22:52 Newsgroups: (Erick Dyke) writes: > > Did anyone else notice that the song for the Fresh-For-Life products was sung > > to the song 'The Nightingale' on the Twin Peaks Soundtrack? ARGH! I was out that evening, and made sure to tape the show -- only to find out that the #$%^&*(*&^%$# network had delayed Eerie for some #$%^&* football game. My tape ended just before they began the song. Well, at least I was rewarded with the latter half of Mike and Ted's Idiot Adventures (or whateverthehell that piece of dweebery is called...) It is happening again. It is happening again. It is happening again. Joe Zitt!kvue!zitt!joe (512)450-1916