Subject: Re: Probably Something you know already. From: (The Film Fan Man) Date: 1991-09-18, 22:31 Newsgroups: In article <>, writes... } I'm going to ask a stupid question, and if it has been asked before } and the answer resolved, then all means...ignore me! } Does anyone here watch STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION? No, I don't (at least not on a regular basis). } If so, isn't it true that Counselor Troi's mother's valet is the giant? Well, it's not so, but that doesn't make your assertion any less true. Mr. Homm *is* played by the same man who played the Giant. } I don't remember the actor's name so I can't be sure. Carel Struycken. He also played Lurch for the upcoming ADDAMS FAMILY movie. -- "Take that surface-man Autry to the Lightning Room!" --- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, "The Mill", Maynard, MA) boyajian%ruby.DEC@DECWRL.DEC.COM or ...!decwrl!!boyajian