Subject: Re: TP reference in NEXP From: evan@neiman.east.sun.COM (Evan Marcus (Sun NJ Sys Cons)) Date: 1991-10-03, 07:55 Newsgroups:, Reply-to: marcus@neiman.east.Sun.COM I saw that rather blatant TP reference (at the waterfall). However, when Rick died, who else noticed the long shot of the owl right before the satellite landed? When they showed it, I said to myself, "Self, something evil is about to happen!" I guess this means the owls really are evil. (They never did explain that on TP, did they??) E-- In article <>, (Paul Hagstrom) writes: |> In article <> |> (Matt Brockman) writes: |> > In the last episode of Northern Exposure, |> > in the scene where Maurice(?) pulls up in |> > his car, a logging truck rolls by, looks just |> > like the one outside the Double R. |> |> I remember another episode a while back had some more blatant TP references in |> it, too.. I wish I had taped it because I can't completely recall all of the |> details, but it did involve a number of the NE characters standing around an |> observation deck (upon which was one of those little pay-telescopes), looking |> at a waterfall. My first thought when the scene started was "that waterfall |> reminds me of the TP intro..." Then, the conversation began turning to coffee |> and donuts, and the scene actually ended with one of them saying something |> along the lines of "Who's that over there? And what's she carrying? It's a |> LOG!".. End of scene. |> |> Anyway, 'danyone see that? -- WHO: Evan L. Marcus "It works!!" WHAT: Sun Microsystems -- a friend of mine, after telling WHERE: Paramus, New Jersey, USA me his wife was pregnant with their HOW: marcus@neiman.East.Sun.COMfirst child.