Subject: Re: Unofficial Movie FAQ File From: joe@zitt (Joe Zitt) Date: 1991-10-05, 22:50 Newsgroups: (Bob Gray) writes: > > Ah! but wouldn't it be an interesting plot twist if she > > didn't die. Perhaps everyone in town was lying about who it > > was wrapped in plastic.... Perhaps she entered the Waiting Room, where she was trapped for at least 25 years, and her doppelganger was the one that was killed. Perhaps, come to think of it, she wasn't trapped, but found that life (as it were) there was better than life in the mundane world, and chose to remain. Thus, she would have every reason to attack Coop when he entered the Waiting Room -- if he were to succeed in his quest, he might have the power to drag her back to the world that she was glad to have escaped. It's only 25 years later, when Coop enters the Room again, that she feels safe with him. It is happening again. It is happening again. It is happening again. Joe Zitt!kvue!zitt!joe (512)450-1916