Subject: Re: Globe and Mail pans FWWM From: (Two days and a wake-up...) Date: 1992-08-28, 23:58 Newsgroups: In article <>, writes... } FWWM was panned in today's _Globe and Mail_ by film critic Jay Scott. } In a review consisting only of four very short paragraphs, Scott said } that FWWM is crammed with "nudity, sadism, torture and misogyny of every } sort, imaginable and not." [...] } Scott finished by giving the film a rating of zero. Notably absent from } his review was any discussion of the acting, dialogue, or plot of FWWM, } or indeed any thoughtful consideration of Lynch's style. He simply } called it "disgusting" and "misanthropic" and, refusing to elaborate, } left it at that. } I suspect this won't be the last such review of FWWM. Comments? Just one: Many people said essentially the same thing about Greenaway's THE COOK, THE THIEF, HIS WIFE & HER LOVER. And they were wrong. -- "She's my radiation baby. She's my teenage fallout girl." --- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, "The Mill", Maynard, MA)