Subject: Re: TP:FWWM this and that. (movie SPOILERS) From: (Bob Ingria) Date: 1992-08-31, 14:02 Newsgroups: Reply-to: ingria@BBN.COM In article <> (S. A. Wilson) writes: Ciao, Joe Zitt made a good point that the movie was like a Passion Play in that the viewers were expected to know the story prior to coming to the flick. That is similar to the Greek plays wherein the crowd already knew the stories of the gods, and the Greek heros prior to coming to the tragedies/comedies. If you see a classical Greek play today without knowing the backgrounds you would be completely lost. The play definitely was for Peak fans, who knew the characters, the stories, the themes, and motifs. It's also similar in that, in a Greek play, the denoument was not a surprise. It was how the playwrite made the story get there that was the surprise and that was the aspect of the play where all the author's artistic ability was displayed. A end note: I just loved the beginning with the staticy (a real word?) Staticky, maybe? television. I may be reading too much into it, but one one level I found it as a great inside joke: our televisions were dead, no TP on the air. Then the axe coming down, again a joke on how the show was killed, hacked to death by some yo-yo tv execs. But then.....the film starts and it might be off the air, but it ain't dead. Certainly, the ``killing the TV (show)'' image is part of the effect. But it actually does serve a plot point, since, after the room goes dark we hear a woman's scream and then cut to the body of Teresa Banks, floating down the river; i.e. the TV set destruction is just before Teresa's murder; the floating body, just after. (We later get to see the TV scene again, in flashback, confirming this.) -30- Bob ``You wanna hear about our specials? We don't have any.''