Subject: Re: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (minor spoilers) From: (Joel K. Iott) Date: 1992-08-31, 08:51 Newsgroups: rec.arts.movies, Went to see TP:Fire walk with me this weekend. I can recommend it to TP fans only. It probably won't be in the theaters long, so see it while you can! My overall impression that it was a significantly depressing movie - watching a character self destruct in slow motion. TV series had some hope in the various romances, and some humor. Movie has none. Don't go if already depressed. The Lynch style is all over the movie - some critics have called it "derative". One thing you can say about Lynch - love him or hate him, he definitely has his own style. Some general comments, exceedingly minor spoilers: More dream sequences! Some earlier minor characters show up in a significant role. The stoplight is explained! An previously featured object gains further significance. A new object has mysterious properties! A new Julee Cruise song. More about "arms" are explained. Heidi sings "Edelweiss" (just kidding) And some questions, which have more spoiler possiblity: What is the symbolism of the White Horse that Mrs. Palmer sees in her visions? Who is the character David Bowie plays supposed to be? Was the Chris Isaack (first FBI agent) character mentioned in the TV series? Is the Number 6 on the pole next to the "mystery trailer" supposed to mean something? (Lynch shows it several times) What is the significance of the ring that Teresa Banks/Laura Palmer wears? Does this show up in the TV series anywhere? More and more people show up in that red-curtained room. Now the one-armed man does too! Is there an episode guide available for TP? Post it!