Subject: TP:FWWM spoilers From: zerobeat@intacc.uucp (Ferenc Szabo) Date: 1992-08-31, 13:52 Newsgroups: I loved the film. However, here in Ontario the censorship is very large for movies and tv. Although there was more nudity than tv could show (just breasts and 2 seconds of pubic hair at a distance) there was certainly less violence than TP the tv series had. The movie had more implied sleaziness. I had read that there was a lot of violence and sex in the movie. The print I saw was so badly hacked up that there were obvious glitches and pieces missing in the soundtrack. A few jumps in continuity as well. Theres no way that the film could have been conceived this way...It was most certainly re-edited later without adjusting the soundtrack. spoilers up ahead..... The guy that Bobby shot.....At first I thought it was the Mountie that appears in the second season. After he was dead I realized it couldn't have been that same character (same actor????). Then I thought it was the Deputy from the first police station (the guy that gets his nose tweaked by Desmond). Sorry.....all goons with mustaches look the same to me. Mrs. Tremond's grandson was played by David Lynch's son (in the tv series) Was it the same actor in the movie???? Kinda didn't look like him, but then again it is 1 year later and he's in that growing kind of ag It was funny to see all the actors look 2+ years older even though it took place before the pilot. Especially James and his receded hairline. Laura certainly doesn't have the body of a 17 year old. I think she's 25. I was more interested by the first half-hour (the FBI part). In it I saw stuff that was very new to me. The security camera/Bowie sequence think had my head spinning. WOW! I would love to see a movie/tv series that dealt more with the weirdness going on there and the disappearance of Desmond and Bowie. Perhaps the blue rose signifies Project Blue Book?? The Laura Palmer section was EXTREMELY well acted by Laura and Leland (I don't know real names). Although the sense of mystery or suspense was lessened because I knew the outcome, I still had goosebumps when Laura said 'Good Night' and her mom said 'Good Night Laura'. From then on I knew the specific chain of events leading to her death and it was still spooky to actually see them acted out. I would have loved to hear Waldo say something he says just before he gets killed later in the series. A friend of mine who ONLY saw the pilot said she loved the movie. She says that it doesn't matter if you know the background of Harold Smith or Mrs. Tremond or any of the other idiosynracies. As a self contained movie it went down extremely well in her book. But I can't help cherishing the fact that so many little things in the movie were direct 'LET'S ROCK' written on Desmond's windshield. Or the oil-soaked ground where the trailer used to be. ferenc