Subject: Re: Black Lodge Tarot. From: (Bob Ingria) Date: 1992-09-01, 19:42 Newsgroups: Reply-to: ingria@BBN.COM In article <> writes: I was jjst thinking... not only did Aleister Crowley write "moonchild", he also designed a set of Tarot cards. Does anyone out there have this set? Yes. You should be able to pick up a copy in any New Age/Occult store. There's also a whole book by Crowley explaining the Tarot, using his version as the Tarot to be deciphered. This is a fairly full book called something like _The Tarot of Thoth_ or some such. There is also a smaller pamphlet that is about the Tarot in general, not Crowley's own brand. How is it different from, say, the Rider tarot cards? It's the same suits and all, but Crowley uses a lot of his own personal symbolism, developed from his days in the Golden Dawn, his ``reception'' of the Book of the Law, the development of his own mystical organizations (the O.:T:.O and the A.:A:.), etc. Maybe there's a himt in the cards... Look! It's Leland Palmer as the Hanged Man! Cooper as the Magus! BoB as Death! I just got the Ace of Coffee Cups! (My Ghod, a Twin Peaks Tarot set?!?) -30- Bob ``We place no reliance On virgin or pigeon. Our method is science. Our aim is religion.''