Subject: Re: FWWM shortchanged? From: (S. A. Wilson) Date: 1992-09-01, 18:33 Newsgroups: Am I the only one who believes that the lack of humor during the TP segment of the film worked. I thought that since the theme was more or less "Laura Palmer's decent into hell" that humor did not fit. I think that the intense darkness, the somberness of that portion of the flick was most fitting. I think if we did see bits of Andy/Lucy, Pete, etc. it would have taken away with the nightmarish narture of the film. I was drawn in by the intense nightmarishness of the whole thing. It was non-stop, heavy, and I felt that I was experiencing all the hell that Laura went through. If there had been the cutesy stuff I feel that it would have broken the spell. I for one was captivated by the horror. And there still was elements of humor, the whole first part was damn funny, and really work to get me off guard for the TP section of the movie, and thus, at least for me made the TP part even more intense. Sally--Flame away--A. Wilson -- And I'll see you//And you'll see me || Sally A. Wilson And I'll see you in the branches that blow || Spud Peel In the breeze,//I'll see you in the trees || Under the sycamore trees (_Sycamore_Trees_ Lynch/Badalamenti)