Subject: Thoughts From: (Adam Goldberg) Date: 1992-09-01, 06:50 Newsgroups: Ok people, I have been reading this group for 6 months, I went back and watched all the episodes again, and saw the movie. [I have a life?] and here are my thoughts: The mask that the "child" wears is indeed an owl mask. It seems that whomever puts on the ring, dies. Mike can not physically stop Bob. That was Annie in bed with Laura. Time runs backwards in the lodge. Cooper's gunshot wound reappears and Annie ends up in bed with Laura "before" she enters the lodge. I whole heartedly agree with the addiction theme, remember that the old lady said to Donna, "I don't eat creamed corn". probably a reference to the fact that she did not partake in the substance. I think Catherine put the fish in the purculator as a prank for Pete/Josie The white horse means someone is drugged, not death. Bowie/Jefferies was definetely in "Time phase". He witnessed a meeting of the "aliens" but escaped before he could be imprisoned in wood. Wood is the aliens method of containment. Now ... Here's the big one... I think Bob, Mike's familiar (owl) turned on Mike. This is when Mike realized the errors of his ways and cut off his arm (LMFAP). He physically cut off his arm as a symbol of his turning, so he could be sure that he would never revert back to his old ways. See, LMFAP seems to posess ARMS. The arm goes dead, remember? So, LMFAP can no longer control any of Mike's actions, Mike has no arm LMFAP can posess. LMFAP need not posess Bob's arm, Bob already does dirty work for him. LMFAP is the one with the addiction. I think I got that last one across. I don't know whether the LMFAP PHYSICALLY posesses the arm of his minions to insure their obedience, but this could be true as well. Any responses desperately welcomed. P.S. I think Jacques told Cooper what he actually BELIEVED happened. He and Leo argued so much, and there was So MUCH coke. -- Adam Goldberg ! Ask me how IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY is ! censoring my usenet access!! ..!uunet!!goldberg ! >>I don't need a BIG BROTHER!!<<