Subject: Re: FWWM reviews From: (Eric Williams) Date: 1992-09-02, 06:57 Newsgroups: In article <>, (Hi ho -- Kermit the Frog here...) writes: > > At worst, it's been roundly panned for the wrong reasons. The review in > > the Washington Post was hilariously inaccurate. > > > > They misspelled "Garmonbozia", called Michael Anderson's character the > > "Man From Another Planet" (maybe they were thinking of "Eraserhead"?), [remainder deleted] Actually, I read the review before going and checked the end credits... I could swear that in the film LMFAP is indeed from a Planet, not a Place... Could have been a typo by the titlers... Anyone wanna double check? -------- ---------- or ---------- ...uunet!uupsi!npri6!eric ----- "Rats: Once they knew glory: they ate a bishop." Eric C. Williams/ NPRI/ Alexandria, VA/ USA/ (703) 683-9090/ Usual disclaimers.