Subject: Re: Lodge things From: (Jon Blow) Date: 1992-09-02, 11:17 Newsgroups: Sally writes: > > Lodge inhabitants interact with the TP world. Thus we see time flowing > > backward/forward/circular and thus one time we see a "damned" MIKE, > > and the next he has already seen "the face of God," yet we see it all > > jumbled. I find this idea to be inconsistent. IF Mike was telling the truth during the series, then any time we see a two-armed Mike, we see him when he is "damned," and when we see a one-armed Mike, we see him when he is "redeemed". I have yet to see a two-armed Mike. (Remember that he said he cut his arm off as a sign of his own redemption.) > > I think MIKE did try to help Laura, and had seen the face of God. Now, > > wasn't MIKE the one that let Ronnette go. I find this hard to believe. An angel cut Ronette's bonds. Mike ran to the train car; Ronette opened the door. Mike tossed/dropped the green ring into the car, which Laura wears, causing BOB to scream, "Don't make me do this!" After the event is done, MIKE simply walks away, leaving a bashed and bleeding (possibly dying) Ronette lying on the ground by the railroad car. Surely the act of a "redeemed" man. > > Laura knew that unless she confronted Le-BOB and died, using religious > > terminology, a martyr's death that she would be tormented forever, > > and that she too would become part of the "Evil in the Woods." I think Laura had little to no idea of what was actually going on. She was far too confused over the course of the movie to have this sort of perception. > > That is why she allowed herself to be killed, almost a christfigure. Yeah, she looked *really* willing to me. > > Folks on the group have been brining up the idea of Peaks as a Passion Play, > > well Laura's self-sacrifice of her life, and thus her rejection of Evil > > would fit into this. It's not clear to me that she ever really "rejected" evil. All I know is that there were some things she was scared of, and some she wasn't. > > Now, MIKE understood this nd knew that for her to become part of the "light," > > the White Lodge that she would have to die. and in the end she did see her > > "angel," her idea of salvation. And Ronette's, and Catherine's. It seems to me that anyone who persists in believing all of what MIKE said during the series has some reexamination to do. I would hesitate to believe most of what the People From Another Place say, especially in light of one of their main symbols: the papier-mache mask. I know it's really risque taking stabs at analyzing this symbol, but here goes: The mask is white, symbolic of "goodness", and without features or design, symbolic of "simplicity" or of "purity". The person wearing this mask is voluntarily presenting this picture of simplicity and/or goodness to the outside world. Note, however, that the one major feature of the mask is a rather long Pinocchio-like nose: it's all a lie. The "goodness" guise I would interpret as the LMFAP's pretense of helping Cooper, or MIKE's pretense of being good. The "simplicity" I would say refers to the concepts that MIKE and BOB are diametrically opposed, that the white lodge and the black lodge are opposites, that all the people we see are actually different people. I think it is becoming more obvious that none of these assumptions are true. -Jon