Subject: Re: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me From: daq@hpfcso.FC.HP.COM (Doug Quarnstrom) Date: 1992-09-02, 13:18 Newsgroups: In, (Stewart Schultz) writes: > > My impression of the movie: not of much interest to anyone but TP (or > > Sheryl Lee) fans, pretty predictable overall, but with some very good > > acting by Lee and Wise. Lotsa typical Lynch humor, loaded with TP Yeah, if you mean, by good acting, the regular descent into tear filled histrionics that are barely justified and not especially convincing. About half way through the movie I was hoping Leland would hurry up and kill her so she would stop crying all the time. On the whole, I thought her acting job was pretty wretched, and the only real reccommendation I could give is, 'go see the movie if you want to see Sheryl Lee's breasts'. Other than that, filming this movie was a pretty big mistake as it tries to embody the mystery of Larua P, and merely reduces her to a whiny and less than sympathetic little twit. It really may not be something Lynch could have changed. This series was driven and empowered by the very mysterious nature of Laura. They removed that. And the teaser scenes in the series about the murder in the train car are FAR more effective dramatically than what they actually filmed for the movie. I was disappointed. doug