Subject: REWARD FOR EPISODES From: (Amil) Date: 1992-09-03, 10:37 Newsgroups: Hey, everyone. I watched some episodes of TP in its first season, but kind of lost track. Last night I saw the movie and I thought it was a masterpiece. Less of a narrative film and more of an avante-garde film. Thats how Lynch started out anyway...remeber his early films like "Gramma". Anyway, I'm looking to get EVERY episode ever aired (except for the original pilot--which I have) on tape. How do I get em? Is there an address I can order them by mail? Or can somebody make copies for me? I'll pay or send you some FWWM promo stuff (like movie posters or banners or whatever--I worked at a movie theater). So, please REPLY BY EMAIL, seeing as how this is probably old news for most of you. Thanks Peace...................Amil