Subject: Re: Reasons why Teresa, Laura and Maddy were killed (was re: 2nd viewing) From: (Hi ho -- Kermit the Frog here...) Date: 1992-09-03, 12:31 Newsgroups: In article (Scott J Gorcey) writes: >> >>Saw the movie for a second time last night. Spoilers... > > Anyway, I am not quite sure why Leland/BOB kills Teresa, but > > the blackmailing Leland angle is a good one... but why would > > BOB care if Leland was being blackmailed? It's no big deal to > > him/it. It depends how much Teresa really knew about Leland/BOB. She might have just been blackmailing Leland about his sleeping around et cetera. That would be enough to make Leland want to kill her, especially if egged on by BOB. (It does seem interesting that BOB can only make people do things that they already have some desire -- however repressed -- to do. One of the reasons for Leland killing Maddy certainly seemed to be him not wanting her to leave.) But do we really know it was LELAND she was blackmailing? Teresa had the ring. This meant that she too had contact with the Lodges. Could it be that she knew about BOB being in Leland, and also that BOB was overstepping some rule of the Lodge? We know that there was some kind of split between MIKE and BOB (maybe BOB was keeping all the pain and sorrow for himself or something), and perhaps Teresa was going to turn BOB over to some REALLY bad dudes in the Lodge. Hence, the murder. Hence, the letter under the fingernail. Hence, the entire sorry story gets started. How's that?