Subject: Re: TP:FWWM script anyone? From: (Jeff Stevens) Date: 1992-09-03, 09:56 Newsgroups: I saved this posting a while back: Article: 165 of Path: scubed!!usc!!!!!! From: Newsgroups: Subject: Sooting Script to TP: FWWM Message-ID: <> Date: 26 Apr 92 19:31:09 GMT Article-I.D.: news.1992Apr26.193109.2280 Sender: (USENET News System) Reply-To: Organization: Brandeis University Lines: 183 Well I know y'all have been waiting for weeks, but I'm sorry. This is the first chance I've gotten to finally post some info. I have in front of me the shooting draft to "Twin Peaks 'Fire Walk With Me, Teresa Banks and the Last Seven Days of Laura Palmer." I'm now willing to share some of it with you. Ahead will be major spoilers, so beware. Stop reading now unless you are so hooked on the whole Twin PEaks thing that you cannot wait a few measly months to see the whole movie for yourself. By the way, some of you have asked where I got the script. I got it at a store in Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA. I'm not exactly sure how legal this is (I can't see how it could be legal) so I think I'll refrain from revealing the name of the store. OK, let's rock. Here we go: OK well the script is divided into three parts, like I've read in previous postings on the network. The first section is medium length (pp. 1-40). It involves the death of Teresa Banks. Opening scene: "Teresa Banks' body wrapped in plastic floating through Hells Canyon, drifting along in Wind River." Then it jumps to Gordon Cole and two new FBI officers, Agent Chester Desmond and Sam Stanley. Here is a really cool scene involving communication between the agents using a code. Stanley and Desmond go to investigate Banks' murder. Here they have trouble with the local lawmen (which was probably what prompted Cooper to have his talk with Truman in the first episode about who is really in charge when the bureau is called in). It starts out OK but then gets weird. The ring comes back into play, there is a mound of dirt, a golf ball (Leland liked golf) and finally one of the agents disapppears, which is why Cooper is brought in. Here we switch to Cooper. He is talking with Diane, but it is unclear whether we actually see her because she doesn't say anything (Man I hope we get to see her). Now it gets really weird. There is an agent named Phillip Jeffries, and from what I can tell, he is a time-space traveler (possibly the character that David Bowie will play). He tells about a meeting above a convenience store. Then it switches to the meeting. Everyone is there: "In the foreground the Man from Another Place (Mike) and Bob sit at a formica table. Behind them on plastic torn chairs huddle Mrs. Tremond and her grandson. Two Bigh Woodsmen with full beards sit quietly." It says the whole scene is subtitled, so I assume we have more of the backwords talking. They talk strangely for a while and then Mike and Bob say "Fire Walk With Me" and then a circel of fire appears. Bob crawls through it into the Red Room and Mike yells and leaps in after him. After this, the second and biggest part comes on, the last week of Laura Palmer (pp. 40-124). I haven't read all of this part, but I'll summarize what I know for you. Cooper was right. Laura did have a bad habit. It turns out that that habit was very very bad. In every scene she takes a line or two of cocaine and any pills she can get her hands on. Donna helps Laura with her homework, Bobby loves Laura, Laura sees James behind Bobby's back, and Mike is going out with Donna. Laura finds pages missing from her secret diary. She panicks and goes to see Harold Smith. She tells him she thinks Bob took the pages and that Bob has been having he since she was 12. Laura says Bob wants to be her or he will kill her. Next day: Mrs. Tremond and her grandson help Laura. She goes home and finds Bob looking for her diary in her room. SHe runs outside. Minutes later Leland comes out of the house. That night, a picture given to Laura as a present from Mrs. Tremond magically reveals the Red Room. In it Cooper tells Laura not to take the ring, Teresa's ring, which has symbols identical to those of Owl Cave. We come out of the picture and see Laura in bed. She wakes and looks next to her. "She discovers Annie Blackburn lying in bed with her." She has blood around her mouth and she says, "My name is Annie. I've been with Laura and Dale. The good Dale is in the lodge and he can't leave. Write it in your diary." Aniie disappears and the ring is in Laura's hand. Next day: James says he missed Laura last night. Leo abuses Shelly and talks to Bobby about a drug deal. Jacques Renault enters the deal. Laura and Donna hitch up with a few truckers. They see Ronette Pulaski and Bob's voice tells Laura that Donna is going to get into the situation. Laura is afraid for Donna and tries to get her out of there. Next day: Ed and Nadine. Truman and Josie. Donna and Laura discuss last night. Leland and Gerard Gerard says to Laura, "It's him. It's your father," but she can't hear him because Leland is making so much noise with his car. Leland has flashback to when he was involved with Teresa with Flesh World Magazine. Teresa figures out that Leland is Laura's father (probably why he killed her). Laura has flashback and begins to put the pieces together. Leland has flashback to when he killed Teresa Banks. Next day: Johnny's birthday party. Ben gives cocaine to Laura, and Laura says she would do more than just kiss him for it. Night: Bobby and Laura driving and snorting. They go into woods to pick up drugs. A deputy from Deer Meadow brings the cocaine for Jacques. Laura grabs the coke, the deputy pulls out his gun, and Bobby shoots him. Next day: Bobby discovers that the coke is really laxative. Laura talks to Jacoby. Night: Sarah is drugged - sees white horse. Bob enters Laura's room and puts hand between her legs. Bob turns into Leland. She screams and passes out. Next day: "Last morning": At breakfast table Leland asks Laura what is wrong. Laura says to stay away. "He knows she knows and he knows what he has to do." "Last night": Laura says she hates asparagus at dinner. She goes to see Bobby. Laura goes home and snorts a line or three. James calls at 9:30. He comes by. Leland sees Laura jump on his bike. They drive. Laura screams with agony, says "James I love you" and runs away at the corner of Sparkwood and 21. Laura runs to Packard Logging Road and meets Jacques, Leo, and Ronette. They go to Jacques' cabin. Jacques ties Laura and Ronette up. Both are half-naked. Waldo is screeching. Jacques stradles Laura and hurts her. Leo puts a One Eyed Jacks $1000 poker chip in her mouth. Leland appears. Jacques decks Leo. Leland grabs bottle and knocks out Jacques. Leo takes off. Leland rapes Ronette. Laura gets hysterical. Log Lady is off in woods listening. "She hears] distant screams. The camera moves down her leg to reveal her tattoo, beet red and burning." Philip Gerard runs like a madman up to Jacques' cabin. Leland marches the girls through woods. Gerard arrives too late. Leland and girls arrive at train car. Leland wraps twine around Laura's arm, bending her arms back. Laura sees herself turn into Bob. Laura says, " "No, you have to kill me...No you can't have me. Kill me." Gerard arrives at train car. Ronette opens the door a little, but then she is hit and flies over Gerard and knocked unconscious. Gerard listens to the sounds of murder inside the car. Laura screams. Knife enters flesh. Bob screams. Bloody knife goes through the air. Leland screams. Gerard laughs and says, "That's his own daughter you're killing." Leland/Bob lowers the plastic shrouded Laura into the river. Leland stumbles into Glastonbury Grove. He enters the Red Room. Gerard and MFAP sit facing him. Leland stops and divides. "One half becomes Bob - opaque. The other half floats up and becomes Leland - transparent. Bob reaches up and grab's Leland's wound. Bob heals Leland's wound. Gerard and TMFAP speak together "Bob, you're not going home without me. I want all my garmonbozia (corn)." Well that's the end of the second part. Here's the bad news: The third part, the one we've all been waiting for, is 3 pages long. I was really pissed when I saw that. I can only hope that as the filming evolves, they will add length to it. Well anyway, here it is. Annie is brought on stretcher to emergency room. TMFAP says to Cooper in Red Room, "Is it future? Or is it past?...Do you know who I am?...I am The Arm...And I sound like this..." He makes an Indian whooping noise. Cooper: Where is the ring? MFAP: Someone else has it now. Cooper: That would indicate that it's the future. MFAP: The later events have never been kept a secret. Cooper: Where am I? And how can I leave? MFAP: You are here and there is no place to go...But home! Hospital Room-night Annie: My name is Annie. I've been with Laura and Dale. The good Dale is in the lodge and he can't leave. Write it in your diary. The nurse listens and takes Teresa's/Laura's ring off Annie's finger. She leaves and puts the ring on herself. Hotel Room - night. Doc and Truman watch bathroom door. Truman: Coop...Coop... Doc: Cooper are you alright? No response. Truman breaks open door. Cooper lies on floor Mirroe is shattered with blood over it and sink. Cooper smiles strangely. Cooper: I slipped and hit my head on the mirror. The glass broke as it struck my head. It struck me as funny, Harry. Do you understand me, Harry, it struck me as funny. Doc: You are going right back to bed. Cooper: But I haven't brushed my teeth yet. (Smiles) Black Lodge/Red Room - Laura is sitting in a chair. As the end credits begin... We move in to see that Laura is sitting in Cooper's lap in the same chair. The End. Well I hope y'all enjoyed that. If anyone has any questions or would like to discuss the implications of the script, I'm here. Also, I am only reporting on the shooting draft. I know a lot could change before the final prduct is made. ---------------------------------------------------------- Jeff,