Subject: Re: Black Dog From: (George Noel) Date: 1992-09-06, 16:59 Newsgroups: In article <118697@muvms3.bitnet> swk004@muvms3.bitnet (CONNIE LEINEN, SWK004@MARSHALL, HUNTINGTON, WV) writes: > >I saw the movie Saturday. Last night, I decided to watch the first > >2-hour episode (yet again). > > > >Curious, but in the opening shot of Josie. They show what appears > >to be a stylized, ceramic black dog. Coincidence? I think not. > > > >Connie There are numerous references to dogs in Twin Peaks.. in the movie when the OAM is shouting at Leland in his car they quickly cut away and show a black dog barking. When Mike and Bobby (students) are in jail they bark like dogs to James (after they threaten to kill him - "When you least expect it") Sarah described Bob from her vision as "looking like an animal" - dog? The LMFAP in Cooper's first dream was "shaking like an animal" - so was Josie who was "trembling with fear". When Jacques was smothered, Jacoby described him as sounding like a dog barking. Thats all I can think of for now. This is common with black dogs.. in the movie "The Omen" a black dog was always following Damien Thorne around.. the black dog being the devil. Maybe Bob is Mike's son? -=*George*=-