Subject: Re: I saw FWWM ** SPOILERS !! ** From: (George Noel) Date: 1992-09-06, 14:44 Newsgroups: > > > >As for the dancing man in the room above the convenience store, did I > >just imagine it or was he dressed exactly the same as the MFAP? > > > >The dancing man had black, flat-topped (Eraserhead?) hair, a long > >nose, and a face painted white -- but he wasn't wearing the mask. It is > >"Pierre Tremond" (aka the Boy Magician) who is most frequently seen with the > >mask. One aspect of the white mask which I'm surprised to see hasn't been > >discussed, to my knowledge, is that it doesn't have any eyeholes; thus, one > >is unable to see when wearing the mask. If the grandson is the Magician, is > >this what is meant by "In the darkness of future past/The Magician longs to > >see"? > > > >Come to think of it, could there be a connection between this white > >mask and the white mask (which I presume was Caroline's death mask) that > >Windom Earle sent to Cooper? But wasn't Pierre Tremond in the scene above the convenience store also along with the dancing "masked" man? You are right though, the dancing masked man WAS dressed like the LMFAP, he danced - the LMFAP also dances and Pierre Tremond also wore a mask like the dancing man's face. Someone mentioned before how they though Pierre and Bob were connected, another indication of this was in one of the rooms when Laura goes through the door in the red room above the convenience store, Pierre appears there, snaps his fingers (from the series - "sometimes things happen just like that! ") and a white light appears on the wall like the same white light that is shown when Bob appears (ie: when he says Where's Josie?"). Could all of the seperate "entities" in the red room be "one and the same?" Also, from the TV series, what does Pierre say to Donna in french when she first meets him? -=*George*=- ^^^ what does he say in french and what does it mean in English?