Subject: Re: TP:FWWM (Spoilers dead ahead, cap'n!) From: (George Noel) Date: 1992-09-06, 19:44 Newsgroups: Yes, since I posted about the tatoo I had remember that Phillip Gerard said it was "Fire, walk with me" on it. In the TV series, Phillip Gerard (not in Cooper's dream) says the tatoo said "Mom" not "Bob" - thus why he started crying. He could be seen as lying OR because of the drugs he was using to keep "Mike" from showing he didn't know any better thus would give a different story then Mike. As for Bob Lydecker, we never actually see him but maybe he too was being used as a host for one of the lodge family. Did anyone notice that there was a *Llama* in Bob Lydecker's Veterinary.. a Llama in Twin Peaks? Aren't they from places like Tibet/Peru? etc.? The Llama also looks Cooper in the face as the owner takes it out. -=*George*=-