Subject: Re: Links with Eraserhead? (Definate FWWM spoilers) From: (FLOYD) Date: 1992-09-07, 10:20 Newsgroups: Reply-to: > >In Eraserhead, it was clear that Lynch's Ultimate Fantasy was not the > >kind of perversions he shows us today, but in seeing a true Goodness > >lead to Happiness. So, why Wild At Heart and FWWM? There is no > >beauty in these films, while there was plenty of beauty in Twin Peaks. > > > >So, flame me, call me a nut, but respond. Am I even close? > > > >------------------------------------------------------ > >David Eschatfische -- 2609COWEND@VMS.CSD.MU.EDU I would definitely have to disagree with what you said about Wild at Heart and Fire Walk With Me lacking any beauty. I think that Lynch's purpose behind both these movies is to shock the audience with glimpses of the evil in the world, Big Tuna in WAH, and the Black Lodge in FWWM, and then show how good can prevail in spite of these evils. In both of these movies, angels appear at the end and reveal love and goodness to the main characters. I think the message here is that if someone loves you, you stand a chance to escape the evils and find happiness. This is similar to the plot of Blue Velvet. P.S.: Does anyone know the title of the requiem at the end of FWWM? Internet address: Bitnet address : Floyd@ufcc All opinions expressed are my own or mine.