Subject: Comments from 2nd viewing From: (George Noel) Date: 1992-09-10, 22:57 Newsgroups: I saw TP:FWWM for a second time last night and found it MUCH better the second time around. I could also pick out a lot of the words spoken in various scenes that I couldn't the first time. After the movie we headed to Tim Horton's here in Canada for a cup of damn fine coffee and some jelly donut's. :-) I am now listening to the soundtrack and will have a piece of cherry pie shortly.. :-) Some mentioned that the second time we see the monkey he says "Judy".. are you certain of this? Could the Chalfont's (Tremond's) been living by Theresa Banks to protect her? Maybe they were the ones that gave her the ring (green is its color.. how much you want to make a bet the ring is made of formica). Mrs. Tremond gives Laura the picture of the red room sort of "inviting" her to the lodge (in her dream she motions for Laura to pass through the door into the room where Piere is and he snaps his fingers and a fire gets reflected on the wall ..leading to the waiting room? In the series the Tremond's give a slight clue to Donna about the creamed corn and Pierre ssaying the "I'm a lonely soul" phrase in French as a hint to Donna to return there later in which she received the pages from Laura's diary. As for the ring, maybe it is a protection against Bob thus why when Laura put it on, Leland/Bob says "Noooo!!" but why did Cooper tell her NOT to take the ring? I think the dancing man in the red room with the white mask is "Mike" as a whole.. he was seemingly doing some ritual dance, wearing a mask like shamans do and holding a ritual type stick. In the series Cooper describes Mike as maybe being "a shaman or seer in his time/culture". The reason the LMFAP was there also was because he is the arm of Mike but not Mike as a whole. I also noticed the shaman/dancing man did the scraping of his foot on the floor like the LMFAP did in the waiting room in the last episode of the second season. The LMFAP also says "Lets Rock!" when Coop sees him in his first dream in the series.. we see "Lets Rock" wrote on Agent Desmonds car after he disappears. Someone mentioned earlier how maybe whomever wears the ring, that arm gets possed by the LMFAP and he could possibly make a person do what he wants through it.. if Desmond put the ring on, maybe he wrote the "Lets Rock" on his car (in red, like the LMFAP is dressed) before he disappeared as a clue to Cooper. Did anyone notice that when Coop and Gordon Cole are in the room looking at the monitor and they pause the one with Coop's image on it and Jeffries walking in the background, the monitor NEXT to it is focused in Fat Trout and we see Agent Desmond walking toward the monitor? This means that Desmond is a time traveller now like Jeffries and thus was taken to the lodge. Right at the end, when Leland is walking into the circle of sycamore trees, we see a face appear on the screen - white face/black lips and saying either "Nooo!" or "Laura!!" (this was after Leland puts Laura in the water) - was that the evil Leland or was it an evil Phillip Jeffries? Does that mean there could be an evil Phillip Jeffries in the next movie and the good Jeffries is trapped in the lodge like Coop? Someone asked how Cooper got to the waiting room so easily? I'd say everytime we saw him in the waiting room in the movie it was post second season. As a note on the sets, after viewing the movie a second time I did notice how a lot of the sets were different, like Harold's and the R&R Diner especially. Is the sound the LMFAP makes ("..and I sound like this") an indian noise or is it supposed to be the sound of "electricity"? There was signs of electricty in Laura's room above her window when she asks who are you really? We hear that noise when Laura looks at the wires on the poles, when we see the TV.. we see static when Jeffries is talking about the meeting he saw and then they show the room and them around the table. Is that how they travell? Through electricty/ wires and are able to "slip in through a crevice in time" as Coop said to Truman describing how Bob appeared (and the lights dimmed) in the series when Josie died? Thats about all for now. -=*George*=-