Subject: Re: DAVID LYNCH'S PREQUEL OF CONTEMPT - New York Newsday Review of FWWM From: daq@hpfcso.FC.HP.COM (Doug Quarnstrom) Date: 1992-09-10, 13:30 Newsgroups: In, (Scott J Gorcey) writes: > > DAVID LYNCH'S PREQUEL OF CONTEMPT > > > > * TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME. (R) All the eccentricity, > > and none of the electricity, of David Lynch. With Sheryl > > Lee, Moira Kelly, Ray Wise, James Marshall. Directed by > > David Lynch. At area theaters. > > > > > > By John Anderson > > STAFF WRITER > > > > IF YOU PLAN on seeing "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me," bring a book. He is being a little harsh. Even I enjoyed the movie more than this, but then I loved the series. His review is perfectly adequate and very right for someone who did not even care about the tv show. > > You won't be able to read it in the darkened theater, of course, but > > it should still provide more entertainment than what's on the screen. > > Feel the binding. Flip through the pages. Wear it on your head. By > > the time this movie - and calling it that presumes, wrongly, that it > > moves - ends, playing with your book will seem like high adventure. This was really funny. > > David Lynch's long-gone and unlamented [Fucker!] Jeez. You seem to be really angry about this. > > Anyone who managed to watch the show knows who killed Laura Palmer > > (Sheryl Lee), the young woman in plastic wrap whose murder was the focus > > of the first season [Don'tcha love how authoritatively pretentious they > > are - especially when they're wrong?]. There is nothing particularly pretentious in the prevous words, and he is not particularly wrong for anyone who is not essentially obsessed over T.P. > > The film starts with the murder of Theresa [sic] Banks (Pamela Gidley), > > a young woman who worked with Laura as a prostitute. Two FBI agents (Chris > > Issak and Kiefer Sutherland) are sent to investigate. Then they [, > > wrong again, John...] disappear strangely and are never heard from again. Not wrong enough to quibble over it. Remember, the riview is likely for general audiences who do not have the advantage of this lovely forum to endlessly debate the deeper meanings of various Lynch masterpieces. > > Then it's a year later and we meet the ill-fated Laura, who's cocaine- > > addicted, a part-time prostitute and increasingly hysterical. It's never > > quite clear in the film whether her drug problems are caused by her sex > > problems or vice versa, but abuse by her father Leland (Ray Wise) who is > > apparently possessed, is contributing to her nervous, self-destructive > > state. But thinking one will care what happens to her or why by the time > > the movie ends is the height of presumption. [This guy can't even allow > > himself to write a synopsis that might pique people's curiosity - not that > > this synopsis is even close to the truth]. He would be doing a non-peaker moviegoer a pretty serious disservice if he talked them into seeing this movie. He was doing his civic duty. > > Lynch has proved in the past [Ah... here, he justifies avant garde > > cinema, and justifies himself as a true arthouse critic - NOT!...] Or perhaps he merely acknowledges that Lynch has made better films, better in the sense that they had broader appeal. > > Willem...who cares?]. But the pretensiousness [look who's talking, guys!] > > of "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me," and what can be construed only as > > utter contempt for its audience, threaten to make David Lynch irrelevant.II Here he is probably wrong. Lynch did make this movie for the TP audience. What more likely makes Lynch irrelevant was that atrocity of a tv show _On The Air_. > > > > > > [Notice how they get all upset and offended when they...don't > > get it? Notice how you get all upset and offended when someone has the audacity to differ with your opinion about a movie. > > Maybe that should have been rewritten a bit (at least): > > "...and what can be construed only as utter LOYALTY TO its > > audience..." Sounds more true-to-the-facts that way, I think.] Yes, I would say that you are right here. The reviewer probably just did not understand that this movie was not supposed to appeal to anyone but TP fans. doug