Subject: Re: Owls/Aliens From: (Rich Haller) Date: 1992-09-13, 11:21 Newsgroups: In article <>, (George Noel) wrote: > > spirits that control the earth live in these places gives better evidence > > that they are spirits and not aliens. Another thing, at first when I saw > > the triple triangle symbol flying through space in the series and then > > bursting into flames, I thought it represented a radiation symbol - relating > > to aliens but after seeing the movie and someone pointing out the symbol > > looks like an angel, I think that is what it represents - remember Donna That was me who pointed it out. I like your pointing out the possible relationship to Laura's remark about bursting into flames and no angels to help you. > > and Laura in the movie discussing what would happen if you kept falling in > > space - would you slow down eventually or speed up and Laura said you would > > speed up until you burst into flames and there won't be any angels around > > to help you. > > > > Speaking of the symbols.. Brigg's tatoo represents an Angel lets say, > > Margaret's looks like Twin Mountains, mirror images of themselves - Brigg's > > representing the heavens, Margret's the earth and possibly Bob/Mike's > > tatoo representing hell? Margaret's tatoo probably is a reference to the lodges (as well as a ref to TP itself). As you point out, they are mirror images of each other. There are few things of which I am confident, but one of them is that Major Briggs is definitely good and works for the White Lodge (so I'm probably, wrong, right?). B y the way, it would appear that his relationship is similar to Lelands in that his memories of his deeds are blocked. (This raises the question of whether there is something like BOB that takes over the Major at times, but is 'good'. So far we haven't been given any evidence of this, but remember it was only one episode before the solution that we actually see BOB's face over Leland's.) I find it hard not to believe that Margaret isn't at least neutral, if not good. Her message that there are owls at the roadhouse was correct as far as it went, but a message like 'Maddy is in danger' would have been a whole lot more helpful--at least to Maddy. I can't see Margaret as bad, but I can see her as essentially neutral, pehaps that's why her tatoo has both lodges. -Rich Haller