Subject: Second Guessing... From: (Hi ho -- Kermit the Frog here...) Date: 1992-09-14, 13:40 Newsgroups: OK, so the movie's been out for a couple of weeks, and everyone's put in their two cents' worth on what was right/wrong. Lots of little carps and kvetches. Things that were left out, things that should have been cut. Now it's time to ask all the wannabe-Lynches out there: What would you have done differently? We all know how much was left on the cutting-room floor for this movie. What scenes would you rather have seen, and what do you think should still have been cut? Are there any extra scenes that weren't in the script that you would have liked to have seen? Bear in mind the fact that the movie was already damn long at 2:10, and that for anything you add you'll probably have to cut something. My personal ideas aren't that complicated. First up, I would DEFINITELY have put in one shot of Leland shoving the R under Laura's fingernail. Otherwise the T under Teresa's makes no sense whatsoever in the context of the movie. Second, the entire half-hour before Laura appears would be cut TO THE BONE. The number of scenes could be counted on one hand. The TV smashed -- Teresa floating down the river -- Desmond and Stanley do the autopsy and find the T -- Coop says he feels the killer will strike again -- BANG into the Twin Peaks title sequence. Keep the movie focused on what it's about: Laura Palmer. None of this confusion about Cliff Howard. And no Philip Jeffries scene. Maybe splice a couple of shots from the Gathering of Owls in the convenience store into Laura's dream, to explain "garmonbozia", but that's it. All that stuff involving the FBI investigation really belonged in a completely separate movie. In fact, I'd love to see it explored to that depth. Just not here. As for additions, I'd add a Meals On Wheels run, simply to introduce Harold Smith and the Tremonds. Otherwise they seem to just come out of nowhere. At the end, I'd put in at least one scene to make it clear that Laura knows she is going to die -- maybe she writes that last diary entry and mails it to Harold. Make the thematic shape of the movie clearer that way. The end result -- a slimmer, more focused film that could almost stand on its own. Anyone else want to come forward with their "improvements" to FWWM?