Subject: Re: Who actually killed Laura Palmer ?? From: Date: 1992-09-16, 16:12 Newsgroups: In article , (Dahl, Ole Petter 7-95) writes: > > One simple question : I wonder who the murder really was ?? That may sound like an obvious question....I have an even more obvious one, How was Laura Palmer killed? The script,if I recall correctly, sdaid she died of multiple small cuts. But if so, they didn't show on the body or what6 we saw of it in the plastic and in the morgue. To say she died of multiple small cuts, would be to say that she bled to death. If so, why was there not a HUGE amount of blood in the train where the murder was done? There was a fairly small stain, but not the amount there would have been expected if a person's arterial system had been emptied. For that matter, exactly what was the cause of death of Teresa Banks? In FWWM she looked as if she had been drowned. But one assumes that LeBOB bashed her, whilehe was bashing the TV. Yet the body didn't show any bashing. Answers, anyone? Lou