Subject: Re: Fell A Victim From: jgp@raid.Rational.COM (Jim Pellmann) Date: 1992-09-17, 11:39 Newsgroups: writes: > >I was just thinking about this phrase.... sounds like "fell asleep", leading > >to some kind of sleep - victim correlation. Or perhaps life in a Lodge is in > >some way a sleep-like state ( dreamlike? ) If we were playing Match Game, I'd say: Fell a _____ ... tree (which takes us back to the wood theme). Dictionary says: Fell [vt] : 1a: to cut, beat, or knock down 1b: kill 2: to sew (a seam) by folding one raw edge under the other and sewing flat on the wrong side Both 1a and 1b seem appropriate for BOB. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I lived in my head mostly." | Jim Pellmann ( "That's not a bad neighborhood." | RATIONAL "There were some pretty strange neighbors." | Santa Clara, California