Subject: Trivial information From: (CAO, NHAI THE) Date: 1992-09-17, 16:59 Newsgroups: I don't have any questions or answers, but rather, only a statement about my viewing experience of TP:FWWM. Here in College Station, the movie theatres are old, small, and dirty. In the theatre that I watched FWWM, they still have a lot of the things which you would expect to find in an old theatre. Seats that pop back. Realistic speakers, Curtain in front of the screen. Fifty five year old gum. $4.75 a ticket. The thing that really impressed me were the curtains on the walls. Not only were they red, but the lights that the fire marshall requires the theatre to have on during the movie created a room that reminded me very much of the Black Lodge. It was a really strange feeling. It was distracting at first, but after a while, I felt like I was in a room specially designed for this film. It was a really neat experience. All I needed was some doughnuts and coffee... BTW - I thought the movie was excellent. Lynch did a hell of a job.