Subject: Garmonbozia/I is Windom... From: thierry@ozrout.uucp (Thierry Daigneault) Date: 1992-09-19, 11:46 Newsgroups: Hi! Well, being the curious lad that I am, and being lucky enough to have a microphone hooked tmy mac, how could I resist such a tempting experiment as listening to "Garmonbozia" backwards to see if it sound like "I is Windom Earle"... :) Anyway, I can't say my experiments were very conclusive. I think we'll have to wait for TP:FWWM to be out on video to be sure. The problem is in the pronounciation of Garmonbozia. Let's say that when I tried it, it *almost* sounded like "I is Windom Earle", but not really. On the other hand, when I tried to reverse "I is Window Earle", I did find that it sounded like "Garmonbozia"! So I guess my own conclusions are: this is a possibility, but not yet proved (by me). We'll have to wait for the video tape. Darn. Any questions? (Please don't question my sanity, I would find it very difficult to have to prove some semblance of stability, thanks). Thierry thierry@ozrout.uucp