Subject: Re: Not an Annie Imposter From: duane@thismoment.Corp.Sun.COM (Duane Day) Date: 1992-09-25, 13:37 Newsgroups: In article moon!cyberden! writes: > >-Note: Does anyone know why the german waitress (Heidi I think was her > >name) has a bloody nose in the movie? My guess is that it was to obscure the fact that it was a different actress. Not that Lynch couldn't have just decided it would be cool to have a familiar character with a bloody nose in the background of a scene. Aside from Donna, Mrs. Tremond/Chalfont's Grandson, and possibly Heidi, which other characters were played by different actors in the Series and FWWM? (Not counting, of course, the evil no-longer-wanting-to-be-involved- with-Peaks doppelganger of Kyle MacLachlan who appeared briefly in FWWM as Agent Cooper, the role played by Kyle himself on TV.) :-)