Subject: Re: TP Laserdisc Japanese Soundtrack From: (NATHANIEL FISHER CRAWFORD) Date: 1992-10-05, 10:16 Newsgroups: In article moon!cyberden! writes: > >From: moon!cyberden! > >Subject: TP Laserdisc Japanese Soundtrack > >Date: Sun, 04 Oct 92 16:10:14 PDT > >The Japanese have a few stuff that I want. > > > >1.) A laserdisc of Twin Peaks soundtrack which includes scenes of the > >real Twin Peaks filmed on location with Japanese subtitles on the bottom. > >Price -$50 US. (Saw this one at a movie con) > > > >2.) A "Peaks Mania" EP CD which contains 5 more tracks than the US > >soundtrack. -$35 US > > > >I want them both, but have no $ > > > >It's not fair. What else does it have on it? I'd really like some of the love themes from the second season. They're real tearjerkers. Also James, Donna, and Maddy's song would be OK to have. > >__________________________________________________________________________ > > | / |\ > > | H E \ Y B E R |/ E N [ moon!cyberden! ]