Subject: TP: "Fire Walk With Me" review/essay (SPOILERS) From: jgp@raid.Rational.COM (Jim Pellmann) Date: 1992-10-14, 13:37 Newsgroups:,,rec.arts.movies,alt.cult-movies This is courtesy of jm0i@Lehigh.EDU (Joseph McVeigh), who does not have access to the newsgroup. There are *SPOILERS* to the TV series and movie below! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following is the entire text of a story from a publication called "Pittsburgh City Paper", in their Sept 9-15, 1992 edition. It was forwarded to me (through some local friends) by a friend of mine, a big fan living in Pittsburgh. FYI, my "source" for the Pittsburgh City Paper" clipping has decided to cultivate her bit of Twin Peaks fame. It's only right, in that she is a public personality anyway. Additionally, she has no Usenet node and the only way to thank her is to listen to her. She's Marcia Gan, a DJ in Pittsburgh. She's been following the ongoing news from the Usenet via downloaded and printed messages from Yours Truly. I think the least Peaks Freaks can do is listen to her show when and if they're in Pittsburgh. She's on "97 Rock", from 7 PM - 12M. There are many "technical" errors, mostly spelling misconceptions. Punctuation errors are corrected without notation, as are glaring word omissions; other lapses are indicated by the standard [sic], which I'll eschew for recurrences of the same mistake. There will of course be errors of transcription, for which I will assume blame; please direct your comments to me: I assume no responsibility for, and make no comment on, the accuracy of either the description or the analysis. This text is reprinted without anyone's permission. - Joseph Aloysius McVeigh *****************************************************************